punto di interesse
point of interest
Not far away from the old town, along the Itinerary of Piantata, in the corner where there is the hill towards the panoramic hill which dominates the territory of the municipality of Attigliano, there is the pretty Church of Madonna delle Grazie.
In the past, to arrive at this little Church, you needed to go through a country street, the street of San Secondo, today you can arrive through the homonymous street – street Madonna delle Grazie.
Its importance grew when, between the first and the second world war, the wifes, the mothers, the sons and the relatives of those who went in war, choosed this place and an effigy of Madonna painted on a tile, for their prayers.
From 1947, with the first committee, were established the first commemorations in honor of Madonna delle Grazie, in 1964 thanks to the intervention of the pastor and the bishop of Amelia Vincenzo Lojali, originating in Attigliano, was built in that place a new one.
Not far away from the old town, along the Itinerary of Piantata, in the corner where there is the hill towards the panoramic hill which dominates the territory of the municipality of Attigliano, there is the pretty Church of Madonna delle Grazie.
In the past, to arrive at this little Church, you needed to go through a country street, the street of San Secondo, today you can arrive through the homonymous street – street Madonna delle Grazie.
Its importance grew when, between the first and the second world war, the wifes, the mothers, the sons and the relatives of those who went in war, choosed this place and an effigy of Madonna painted on a tile, for their prayers.
From 1947, with the first committee, were established the first commemorations in honor of Madonna delle Grazie, in 1964 thanks to the intervention of the pastor and the bishop of Amelia Vincenzo Lojali, originating in Attigliano, was built in that place a new one.
A trails in Ring which start from the old town, to arrive to the Church of Madonna delle Grazie and come back the homonymous street, is the Itinerary of Piantata: a panoramic trail long around 8 kilometers which goes back the hill, it cross the remains of the old Papal Customs to go back again towards Attigliano.
A trails in Ring which start from the old town, to arrive to the Church of Madonna delle Grazie and come back the homonymous street, is the Itinerary of Piantata: a panoramic trail long around 8 kilometers which goes back the hill, it cross the remains of the old Papal Customs to go back again towards Attigliano.
discover all the points of interest of the village
Information, appointments and travel proposals on:
The Progressive Web App is part of the project “Le Terre dei Borghi Verdi”, realized in collaboration and with the contribution of Regione Umbria – Assessorato al Turismo
©2021 Le Terre dei Borghi Verdi
Le Terre dei Borghi Verdi
Welcome in Southern Umbria,
where the slowness becomes value
Information, appointments and travel proposals on:
The Progressive Web App is part of the project “Le Terre dei Borghi Verdi”, realized in collaboration and with the contribution of Regione Umbria – Assessorato al Turismo
©2021 Le Terre dei Borghi Verdi