

The superb city of Narni rises above an impassable spur of rock overlooking on one side the natural-historical wonder of the Nera Gorge, on the other the Terni basin, and is traversed by what was once the route of the ancient Via Flaminia.

glorious past
Narni: the superb Narnia of the Middle Ages

Its splendid palaces overlooking the main squares, the Cathedral of St. Juvenal and the admirable works contained therein, the intriguing complex of Narni Sotterranea  that year by year fascinates with new stories and new discoveries, the Museo Eroli that guards the glorious past of Nequium first and Narnia later, and the austere bulk of the Rocca Albornoz that dominates the town and protects it from above, are just some of the many attractions to be discovered in this place where everything speaks of history, art and culture.

And as beautiful as Narni is, so is its territory made up of hamlets that were once the castles that defended it and that, following the main routes stretch toward Terni to the north, and toward Otricoli to the south.

The ancient history of Narnia

The oldest findings are kept within the archaeological section of the Eroli Museum, suggesting that the heights of the Narni territory were inhabited since prehistoric times. It was from the end of the Bronze Age that settlements were established including the fortified one to which the Umbrians – in the Iron Age – gave the name Nequinum.

Romanization and the birth of Narnia

The first record of the impregnable oppidum of Nequinum is given to us by Titus Livius when in Ab Urbe Condita he tells how the Romans in 299 B.C. managed to conquer, after more than a year of siege, the fortified settlement by having two local people help them.

It was from that year that a Latin colony was deduced to which the name Narnia was given in honor of the nearby river Nahar, today’s Nera, which became the sentinel of this strategic junction along the Via Flaminia, which, just below Narni near the Bridge of Augustus, split into the two branches: one going toward Carsulae the other toward Interamna Nahars, today’s Terni.

Authors such as Tacitus and the finding at loc. Le Mole in Stifone of a shipyard tell that the Nera was navigable and that Narnia could have easy access to the Tiber and thus relations with Rome through this and the Via Flaminia.

The town hall in the imperial age

Narnia became a municipium after the social war in 88 BCE and was ascribed to the Papiria tribe. Among the most impressive works of the monumentalization plan of the Augustan age we can include with merit the Augustus Bridge, whose huge span still exists and shows off its majesty even today at the side of the bridge crossing the Nera along the Via Flaminia. During this period, Umbria Felix became a place for the construction of villas such as those of Pompeia Celerina, a very wealthy mother-in-law of Pliny the Younger, who, in addition to Narni, also owned villas in Ocriculum.

Another engineering work that was built between AD 24 and 33 is the Aqueduct of the Forminathat can still be visited today. In those very years, in 33 AD, Marcus Cocceius Nerva was born in Narnia who became emperor in 96.

Interestingly, according to Tertullian, writing in the late second century, it was in Narnia (as in Ocriculum with the goddess Valentia) that a local god by the name of Visidianus was worshipped.

Very rare are the necropolis and its finds. The most important burial area is the one found along the walls and the Via Flaminia, in the present Cathedral area, where according to tradition St. Juvenal was buried in 376.

glorious past
Narni: the superb Narnia of the Middle Ages

Its splendid palaces overlooking the main squares, the Cathedral of St. Juvenal and the admirable works contained therein, the intriguing complex of Narni Sotterranea  that year by year fascinates with new stories and new discoveries, the Museo Eroli that guards the glorious past of Nequium first and Narnia later, and the austere bulk of the Rocca Albornoz that dominates the town and protects it from above, are just some of the many attractions to be discovered in this place where everything speaks of history, art and culture.

And as beautiful as Narni is, so is its territory made up of hamlets that were once the castles that defended it and that, following the main routes stretch toward Terni to the north, and toward Otricoli to the south.

The ancient history of Narnia

The oldest findings are kept within the archaeological section of the Eroli Museum, suggesting that the heights of the Narni territory were inhabited since prehistoric times. It was from the end of the Bronze Age that settlements were established including the fortified one to which the Umbrians – in the Iron Age – gave the name Nequinum.

Romanization and the birth of Narnia

The first record of the impregnable oppidum of Nequinum is given to us by Titus Livius when in Ab Urbe Condita he tells how the Romans in 299 B.C. managed to conquer, after more than a year of siege, the fortified settlement by having two local people help them.

It was from that year that a Latin colony was deduced to which the name Narnia was given in honor of the nearby river Nahar, today’s Nera, which became the sentinel of this strategic junction along the Via Flaminia, which, just below Narni near the Bridge of Augustus, split into the two branches: one going toward Carsulae the other toward Interamna Nahars, today’s Terni.

Authors such as Tacitus and the finding at loc. Le Mole in Stifone of a shipyard tell that the Nera was navigable and that Narnia could have easy access to the Tiber and thus relations with Rome through this and the Via Flaminia.

The town hall in the imperial age

Narnia became a municipium after the social war in 88 BCE and was ascribed to the Papiria tribe. Among the most impressive works of the monumentalization plan of the Augustan age we can include with merit the Augustus Bridge, whose huge span still exists and shows off its majesty even today at the side of the bridge crossing the Nera along the Via Flaminia. During this period, Umbria Felix became a place for the construction of villas such as those of Pompeia Celerina, a very wealthy mother-in-law of Pliny the Younger, who, in addition to Narni, also owned villas in Ocriculum.

Another engineering work that was built between AD 24 and 33 is the Aqueduct of the Forminathat can still be visited today. In those very years, in 33 AD, Marcus Cocceius Nerva was born in Narnia who became emperor in 96.

Interestingly, according to Tertullian, writing in the late second century, it was in Narnia (as in Ocriculum with the goddess Valentia) that a local god by the name of Visidianus was worshipped.

Very rare are the necropolis and its finds. The most important burial area is the one found along the walls and the Via Flaminia, in the present Cathedral area, where according to tradition St. Juvenal was buried in 376.

Byzantine Corridor
Narni and the Middle Ages

With the fall of the Roman Empire, first the Greco-Gothic wars and then the wars between the Lombards and Byzantines made this an important center for control of what became the Byzantine Corridor.

In the early Middle Ages an episode is recalled in which, in 536, Bessa – following the Byzantine general Belisarius – near Narnia managed to defeat Vitige’s Goths. In 545 it was Totila who devastated the territory, although by tradition the Narnia Bishop Cassius managed, by a miracle, to save the city from devastation.

It was during this period that the structures that later became that Abbey of San Cassiano, which today shows off its beauty on the other side of the Nera River from the city, were most likely erected on the mountain of Santa Croce.

It was during this period that there arose, in what is now the complex of the former Church of St. Dominic, the first place of worship and bishop’s seat in Narni with the name of St. Mary Major.

With the establishment of the Duchy of Spoleto Narnia was conquered and lost by them until in 741 it came under the influence of the Church State through the intervention of the Franks.

The Church of Santa Maria Impensole and the Church of San Martino di Taizzano were built between the 9th and 10th centuries probably by Pope John XIII formerly bishop of Narni.

It was starting in the 11th century that the first tower houses arose to symbolize the power of some noble families, that the first church of St. Juvenal arose which later became the Cathedral of Narni, that the city began to project its influence on the nearby castles of San Gemini, Stroncone, Calvi dell’Umbria, and Otricoli.

It was in 1143 that it became a free municipality, and the Platea Major-nowadays Piazza dei Priori replaced the area of the Roman forum, and the palaces and religious buildings that today characterize the historic center were built: Palazzo del Podestà, Palazzo dei Priori, and San Domenico and Sant’ Agostino’s Churches decorated with works by nationally renowned artists.

In 1373 it was given to the Orsini; in the 15th century it lost its independence to the Papal States until the Albornoz Fortress was erected under Pope Gregory XI.

The Sack of the Landsknechts in 1527 brought destruction and plague to Narni, thanks also to the help of the people of Terni. It was because of this that skirmishes began between Narni and Terni from then on until the intervention of Pope Clement VII brought an end to hostilities.

The most important families of Narni, were involved in the reconstruction, and it was the Arca, Cardoli, Eroli, Cesi and Sacripante families who gave new prestige to the city and to the buildings we can appreciate today such as the altar, the confession and crypt and the splendid Chapel of Saint Lucy both built inside the Cathedral thanks to the contribution of Cardinal Giuseppe Sacripante.

It is from the mid-17th century the establishment of the Tribunal of the Holy Office, found today in the basement of the complex of the former Church of San Domenico and suggestive route of Narni Sotterranea. From the same period they found  the municipal library.

In the early 18th century, the Hospice of Jesus and Mary, now the seat of the University, and the Narni Brefotrophy, now the Santa Lucia complex in Galeotto Marzio Square, were erected.

In 1707 the construction of an ironworks was started in Stifone, which was later converted into a power plant in 1890.

The long wave of the French Revolution also reached the territory of Narni, which in 1789 was part of the first Roman Republic. Subsequently, the city followed what was the fate of the Papal State until on September 23, 1860 with the fall of the fortress Narni was annexed to Italy in 1860.

In 1969 the first edition of the Race of the Ring was held, which from then to now evokes the time of the 1371 Statutes.

points of interest

What to see in Narni and its territory.

Narni is a city that should be visited slowly, savoring those places that have been painted in its palaces, churches and all those points of interest that have made it “superb.”

Leaving the car at the Suffrage Parking Lot through convenient elevators you can easily reach the historic center to enjoy a beautiful urban walk that from Piazza Garibaldi with the Cathedral and the Bishop’s Palace leads to Piazza dei Priori where the most important buildings of the city overlook and from where you can reach the Eroli Museum or Narni Sotterranea, to Piazza Galeotto Marzio.

Not to be missed is getting as far as the Albornoz Fortress, or visiting places of interest just outside the walls, such as the Augustus Bridge and the Nera Gorges.

For those who want to stay a weekend and beyond, it is good to go in search of the small villages that, once castles, like satellites circle around Narni.


A tour of Narni’s historic center

Leaving Piazza Garibaldi and the beautiful medieval fountain, one can visit one of the most interesting places in Narni: the Cathedral of St. Juvenal, the main cathedral of Narni.

Leaving the church and going up Via Garibaldi, you can reach Piazza dei Priori or turn left and face Via del Campanile, one of the most photographed streets in the city, to reach the austere Church of St. Francis and, next, Palazzo Eroli for a visit to the museum and picture gallery of Narni.

Following Via Aurelio Saffi, it will be easy to reach the San Bernardo Gardens and the entrance to Narni Sotterranea kept in the basement of the former St. Augustine Complex.

Leaving the former church, one can easily reach Piazza Galeotto Marzio for a visit to the Beata Lucia complex. A short distance from the square is the Erasmo da Narni House and the Porta della Fiera.

Walking up Via Mazzini, one can admire the various palaces of the noble families of Narnia, once tower houses, until one reaches the striking Church of Santa Maria Impensole, which anticipates the medieval fountain of Piazza dei Priori overlooked by, among others, the Palazzo dei Priori and the Palazzo del Podestà, now the Town Hall. Going down the Corso, which is full of bars, restaurants and clubs, on the right stands the Manini Theater.

The Walk through Narni’s historic center could also stop with the return to Piazza Garibaldi except that the city offers many other points of interest, starting with the Rocca Albornoz – which can also be reached by car – or the Church of Santa Margherita, a short distance from the Porta Ternana or the beauty spots around Narni such as The Nera Gorges, the Abbey of San Cassiano and the Sanctuary of the Madonna del Ponte a short distance from the imposing Augustus Bridge, or the geographic center of Italy located within the Cardona Woods a short distance from the very ancient Cardona Bridge.


The Lands of Narni

A visit to Narni would not be complete without one to the castles, villages, and abbeys that make up the district of this municipality with their history, traditions, and the treasures they proudly guard.

The territory of Narni is dotted with villages that were once those castles that were part of its defensive system.

Along the route of the Via Flaminia which, in Umbria, from Otricoli reached Terni, or Carsulae in the oldest section, one can visit the castles of Taizzano and Borgaria, the village of Vigne and that of Gualdo and then Schifannoia, Guadamello and San Vito.

Along the route of the Nera, heading south, one can encounter the village of Stifone, then the castle of Montoro, and that of San Liberato.

Toward the road leading to Amelia, after Narni Scalo, you can arrive to Capitone Castle.

In the part that goes toward Stroncone you can admire: the castle de Itieli, that of Sant’Urbano and near this, the incredible Franciscan sanctuary of Lo Speco di Narni.


Narnia Pass

The best (and most convenient) way to discover the most important places in Narni is Narnia Pass

It is a single ticket that allows you to visit:

  • Palazzo Eroli home of Narni’s museum and art gallery
  • Albornoz Fortres
  • Multimedia Museum Corsa all’Anello
  • Beata Lucia da Narni Complex 
points of interest

What to see in Narni and its territory.

Narni is a city that should be visited slowly, savoring those places that have been painted in its palaces, churches and all those points of interest that have made it “superb.”

Leaving the car at the Suffrage Parking Lot through convenient elevators you can easily reach the historic center to enjoy a beautiful urban walk that from Piazza Garibaldi with the Cathedral and the Bishop’s Palace leads to Piazza dei Priori where the most important buildings of the city overlook and from where you can reach the Eroli Museum or Narni Sotterranea, to Piazza Galeotto Marzio.

Not to be missed is getting as far as the Albornoz Fortress, or visiting places of interest just outside the walls, such as the Augustus Bridge and the Nera Gorges.

For those who want to stay a weekend and beyond, it is good to go in search of the small villages that, once castles, like satellites circle around Narni.


A tour of Narni’s historic center

Leaving Piazza Garibaldi and the beautiful medieval fountain, one can visit one of the most interesting places in Narni: the Cathedral of St. Juvenal, the main cathedral of Narni.

Leaving the church and going up Via Garibaldi, you can reach Piazza dei Priori or turn left and face Via del Campanile, one of the most photographed streets in the city, to reach the austere Church of St. Francis and, next, Palazzo Eroli for a visit to the museum and picture gallery of Narni.

Following Via Aurelio Saffi, it will be easy to reach the San Bernardo Gardens and the entrance to Narni Sotterranea kept in the basement of the former St. Augustine Complex.

Leaving the former church, one can easily reach Piazza Galeotto Marzio for a visit to the Beata Lucia complex. A short distance from the square is the Erasmo da Narni House and the Porta della Fiera.

Walking up Via Mazzini, one can admire the various palaces of the noble families of Narnia, once tower houses, until one reaches the striking Church of Santa Maria Impensole, which anticipates the medieval fountain of Piazza dei Priori overlooked by, among others, the Palazzo dei Priori and the Palazzo del Podestà, now the Town Hall. Going down the Corso, which is full of bars, restaurants and clubs, on the right stands the Manini Theater.

The Walk through Narni’s historic center could also stop with the return to Piazza Garibaldi except that the city offers many other points of interest, starting with the Rocca Albornoz – which can also be reached by car – or the Church of Santa Margherita, a short distance from the Porta Ternana or the beauty spots around Narni such as The Nera Gorges, the Abbey of San Cassiano and the Sanctuary of the Madonna del Ponte a short distance from the imposing Augustus Bridge, or the geographic center of Italy located within the Cardona Woods a short distance from the very ancient Cardona Bridge.


The Lands of Narni

A visit to Narni would not be complete without one to the castles, villages, and abbeys that make up the district of this municipality with their history, traditions, and the treasures they proudly guard.

The territory of Narni is dotted with villages that were once those castles that were part of its defensive system.

Along the route of the Via Flaminia which, in Umbria, from Otricoli reached Terni, or Carsulae in the oldest section, one can visit the castles of Taizzano and Borgaria, the village of Vigne and that of Gualdo and then Schifannoia, Guadamello and San Vito.

Along the route of the Nera, heading south, one can encounter the village of Stifone, then the castle of Montoro, and that of San Liberato.

Toward the road leading to Amelia, after Narni Scalo, you can arrive to Capitone Castle.

In the part that goes toward Stroncone you can admire: the castle de Itieli, that of Sant’Urbano and near this, the incredible Franciscan sanctuary of Lo Speco di Narni.


Narnia Pass

The best (and most convenient) way to discover the most important places in Narni is Narnia Pass

It is a single ticket that allows you to visit:

  • Palazzo Eroli home of Narni’s museum and art gallery
  • Albornoz Fortres
  • Multimedia Museum Corsa all’Anello
  • Beata Lucia da Narni Complex 
Routes and Walks

Narni and its territory allow the possibility of walking, biking and horseback riding along paths and trails through the entire territory.

The most picturesque trails of the CAI

There are several paths that CAI has marked within the territory, among the most interesting we suggest, among those that start from the city:

  • Trail 659 Narni – Madonna del Ponte – Taizzano – Castel Sant’Angelo an evocative route of about 12 km of hiking difficulty with a 200 m ascent, which starts from Piazza Garibaldi in Narni, visits the most interesting places in the historic center and then descends the cliff through Porta della Fiera until it reaches Strada dei Tre Ponti and then, further down to Ponte d’Augusto. After crossing the Nera River, the trail passes the Sanctuary of the Madonna del Ponte and then climbs to the mountain of Santa Croce to discover the Abbey of San Cassiano. The descent to the Gorges of the Nera then leads to the cycle-pedestrian path that accompanies up to Stifone from which one ascends first to Taizzano and then to the Abbey of Sant’Angelo in Massa, from which there is the conjunction with the third stage of the Protomartyr’s Way, which, if one wishes takes one back to Narni.
  • Trail 655 Narni – Itieli is a challenging 29-kilometer route with a positive ascent of 1050 meters that starts from Piazza dei Priori in Narni, descends to Piazza Garibaldi to take the ascent to Rocca Albornoz via Via del Monte first and then from Via Feronia. After sharing a small section with trail 640 leading to Mount San Pancrazio, the trail proceeds downstream to the loc. La Scogliara and then up the hill toward Ponte Cardona and the Centro Geografico d’Italia, from which it begins the descent that reaches Recentino Lake in a stretch through the plains and countryside between Narni and Terni. After passing loc. Erababigia it climbs again in the direction of loc. Altrocanto arriving then at the ancient castle de Itieli.

  • Trail 659A Narni – Porta Pietra – Trail 659 Intersection is a short but impressive trail that passes along one of the oldest access routes to Narni, starting at Porta Pietra and ending at the Nera Gorge in Recentino locality. The 2.1-kilometer route can also be made as a connector to the 659 trail for the return to Narni.

  • Trail 654 Sentiero della Formina is a 13 km trail that retraces the very ancient Roman Aqueduct of Formina and begins at the very place where the aqueduct entered Narni – near the Church Santa Margherita at the end of Via Cocceio Nerva reaching the Cardona Bridge – Geographic Center of Italy. The path ends, near Sant’Urbano which guards the source of the aqueduct.

  • Trail 640 Rocca di Narni – Monte San Pancrazio – Monte Cosce – Vacone – Rocchette is a challenging 30-km trail with an ascent of more than 1,000 meters that starts from the Rocca Albornoz in Narni reaching the Franciscan Speco in Narni and then the summit of Monte San Pancrazio. After crossing the border with Lazio it reaches Mount Cosce, then Vacone in Sabina and Rocchette.

  • Trail 656 Itieli – Schifanoia is a trail of about 7 km that descends from the Itieli castle to Schifanoia via the village of Moricone.

  • Trail 649 Ocriculum – Guadamello is a beautiful trail that starts from the Archaeological Area of Ocriculum to discover the plains along the Tiber Valley and then ascends toward San Vito and finally reaches the village of Guadamello. Hiking trail of 8 km with ascent of 360 mt.
  • Trail 657 Guadamello – Trail 658 Intersection is a 5.5 km trail that starts in Guadamello and, passing through the Tiber Valley reaches Lake San Liberato to climb up and join Trail 658 with the option of returning to Guadamello or discovering the wonder of Santa Pudenziana.
  • Trail 658 Guadamello – Santa Pudenziana is a wonderful 8.6-kilometer trail, with an ascent of 130 meters, which starts in Guadamello and, through the Narnese countryside arrives at the splendid complex of Santa Pudenziana.

Most interesting outdoor experiences

In addition to the CAI trails, several interesting routes depart from Narni:

  • The Narni – San Cassiano Abbey loop trek is an organized 3-hour walk through nature, history and spirituality to discover one of Narni’s most fascinating places. It starts from Piazza dei Priori to descend the hill to Porta della Fiera, reach Ponte d’Augusto and then climb back up to the abbey. From Mount Santa Croce we descend and then return to Narni.

  • The Nera Gorge Bike-Pedestrian Trail is the best way to discover one of the most amazing places in our area. It starts on foot or by bike from under the Augustus Bridge (for info on where to rent a bike it is good to refer to the Narni Tourism Site for a walk of about 5 km that surprises between the tunnels of the former railway line, the village of Stifone and its sources and Le Mole and its emerald colors. From the Stifone website it is also possible to book a visit to the village and a bath at the Sorgente della Morìca.

The Way of the Franciscan Protomartyrs

Narni is a stop on one of Umbria’s most important walks, the Way of the Franciscan Protomartyrs, a 6-stage experience that retraces the itinerary to discover the 5 villages where the first 5 Franciscans were born who left Umbria to find martyrdom in Morocco on January 16, 1220.

In Narni comes the third stage Calvi dell’Umbria – Narni and the fourth stage Narni – Stroncone starts.

Routes and Walks

Narni and its territory allow the possibility of walking, biking and horseback riding along paths and trails through the entire territory.

The most picturesque trails of the CAI

There are several paths that CAI has marked within the territory, among the most interesting we suggest, among those that start from the city:

  • Trail 659 Narni – Madonna del Ponte – Taizzano – Castel Sant’Angelo an evocative route of about 12 km of hiking difficulty with a 200 m ascent, which starts from Piazza Garibaldi in Narni, visits the most interesting places in the historic center and then descends the cliff through Porta della Fiera until it reaches Strada dei Tre Ponti and then, further down to Ponte d’Augusto. After crossing the Nera River, the trail passes the Sanctuary of the Madonna del Ponte and then climbs to the mountain of Santa Croce to discover the Abbey of San Cassiano. The descent to the Gorges of the Nera then leads to the cycle-pedestrian path that accompanies up to Stifone from which one ascends first to Taizzano and then to the Abbey of Sant’Angelo in Massa, from which there is the conjunction with the third stage of the Protomartyr’s Way, which, if one wishes takes one back to Narni.
  • Trail 655 Narni – Itieli is a challenging 29-kilometer route with a positive ascent of 1050 meters that starts from Piazza dei Priori in Narni, descends to Piazza Garibaldi to take the ascent to Rocca Albornoz via Via del Monte first and then from Via Feronia. After sharing a small section with trail 640 leading to Mount San Pancrazio, the trail proceeds downstream to the loc. La Scogliara and then up the hill toward Ponte Cardona and the Centro Geografico d’Italia, from which it begins the descent that reaches Recentino Lake in a stretch through the plains and countryside between Narni and Terni. After passing loc. Erababigia it climbs again in the direction of loc. Altrocanto arriving then at the ancient castle de Itieli.

  • Trail 659A Narni – Porta Pietra – Trail 659 Intersection is a short but impressive trail that passes along one of the oldest access routes to Narni, starting at Porta Pietra and ending at the Nera Gorge in Recentino locality. The 2.1-kilometer route can also be made as a connector to the 659 trail for the return to Narni.

  • Trail 654 Sentiero della Formina is a 13 km trail that retraces the very ancient Roman Aqueduct of Formina and begins at the very place where the aqueduct entered Narni – near the Church Santa Margherita at the end of Via Cocceio Nerva reaching the Cardona Bridge – Geographic Center of Italy. The path ends, near Sant’Urbano which guards the source of the aqueduct.

  • Trail 640 Rocca di Narni – Monte San Pancrazio – Monte Cosce – Vacone – Rocchette is a challenging 30-km trail with an ascent of more than 1,000 meters that starts from the Rocca Albornoz in Narni reaching the Franciscan Speco in Narni and then the summit of Monte San Pancrazio. After crossing the border with Lazio it reaches Mount Cosce, then Vacone in Sabina and Rocchette.

  • Trail 656 Itieli – Schifanoia is a trail of about 7 km that descends from the Itieli castle to Schifanoia via the village of Moricone.

  • Trail 649 Ocriculum – Guadamello is a beautiful trail that starts from the Archaeological Area of Ocriculum to discover the plains along the Tiber Valley and then ascends toward San Vito and finally reaches the village of Guadamello. Hiking trail of 8 km with ascent of 360 mt.
  • Trail 657 Guadamello – Trail 658 Intersection is a 5.5 km trail that starts in Guadamello and, passing through the Tiber Valley reaches Lake San Liberato to climb up and join Trail 658 with the option of returning to Guadamello or discovering the wonder of Santa Pudenziana.
  • Trail 658 Guadamello – Santa Pudenziana is a wonderful 8.6-kilometer trail, with an ascent of 130 meters, which starts in Guadamello and, through the Narnese countryside arrives at the splendid complex of Santa Pudenziana.

Most interesting outdoor experiences

In addition to the CAI trails, several interesting routes depart from Narni:

  • The Narni – San Cassiano Abbey loop trek is an organized 3-hour walk through nature, history and spirituality to discover one of Narni’s most fascinating places. It starts from Piazza dei Priori to descend the hill to Porta della Fiera, reach Ponte d’Augusto and then climb back up to the abbey. From Mount Santa Croce we descend and then return to Narni.

  • The Nera Gorge Bike-Pedestrian Trail is the best way to discover one of the most amazing places in our area. It starts on foot or by bike from under the Augustus Bridge (for info on where to rent a bike it is good to refer to the Narni Tourism Site for a walk of about 5 km that surprises between the tunnels of the former railway line, the village of Stifone and its sources and Le Mole and its emerald colors. From the Stifone website it is also possible to book a visit to the village and a bath at the Sorgente della Morìca.

The Way of the Franciscan Protomartyrs

Narni is a stop on one of Umbria’s most important walks, the Way of the Franciscan Protomartyrs, a 6-stage experience that retraces the itinerary to discover the 5 villages where the first 5 Franciscans were born who left Umbria to find martyrdom in Morocco on January 16, 1220.

In Narni comes the third stage Calvi dell’Umbria – Narni and the fourth stage Narni – Stroncone starts.

experience the village
Events and traditions in Narni

Narni is a city that thrives on events a bit throughout the year, but it is between spring and summer that it explodes with initiatives that, over the years, have achieved international notoriety. 

  • The Corsa all’Anello is Narni’s most heartfelt and important historical reenactment event. More than two weeks of performances-between late April and early May-and initiatives from late April through mid-May that take Narni back to the time of the 1371 statutes. In addition to the heartfelt feast of the patron saint Juvenal on May 3, including historic horse races, medieval markets, opening of taverns, and blessings of the knights, we come to the dates of the Great Historical Procession and the actual Race for the Ring where the Terzieri of Mezule, Santa Maria and Fraporta compete in a spectacular horse race that will determine the winner!
  • In mid-June Narni Città Teatro transforms the historic center, for a weekend, into a veritable stage for cultural events of all kinds: shows, premieres, big stars and international events for a freewheeling journey into the world of imagination, fantasy and dreams.
  • July in Narni is synonymous with Narnia Festival, an international event conceived by Cristina Pegoraro that makes up its days with unique events featuring nationally and internationally renowned artists.
  • August sees Festival Internazionale Le Luci della Ribalta, which, organized by the Associazione Mozart Italia, brings concerts, exhibitions and splendid cultural initiatives to Narni
  • Also in August, in Narni Scalo, the spotlight is on Le Vie del Cinema, a restored film festival
  • Early October is the turn of the Festival of Sociology 
  • In late October, the Narnimmaginaria photography festival.

There are several other events going on; for a more in-depth look, it is good to reach the dedicated page in the tourist site (external link – ).

Where to stay

Discover the accommodation facilities of the municipality.