punto di interesse
point of interest
Above the Therme Parc, in the place where the Saint benedict the Amerino’s font, the Church of San Francesco of Acquasparta, is today what was the compless, where now we can enjoy of the cloister and the others places that now are become the House of Culture of Matteo of Acquasparta.
Above the Therme Parc, in the place where the Saint benedict the Amerino’s font, the Church of San Francesco of Acquasparta, is today what was the compless, where now we can enjoy of the cloister and the others places that now are become the House of Culture of Matteo of Acquasparta.
The complex was builded outside the Acquasparta’s walls in the 1294 from the Cardinal Matteo Bentivenga of Acquasparta, remembered from Dante in the XII canto of the Paradise and father general of Conventual Franciscan Friars.
Inside you could admired a wooden statue of the Virgin with the baby of the first half of the XIV century, venerated especially during difficult periods of the people of Acquasparta, with the name of Madonna of Star and a cruix of the XIV century from the church of San Giovanni in Butris.
Today the works are visible inside the parochial Church of Santa Cecilia.
The complex was builded outside the Acquasparta’s walls in the 1294 from the Cardinal Matteo Bentivenga of Acquasparta, remembered from Dante in the XII canto of the Paradise and father general of Conventual Franciscan Friars.
Inside you could admired a wooden statue of the Virgin with the baby of the first half of the XIV century, venerated especially during difficult periods of the people of Acquasparta, with the name of Madonna of Star and a cruix of the XIV century from the church of San Giovanni in Butris.
Today the works are visible inside the parochial Church of Santa Cecilia.
discover all the points of interest of the village
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The Progressive Web App is part of the project “Le Terre dei Borghi Verdi”, realized in collaboration and with the contribution of Regione Umbria – Assessorato al Turismo
©2021 Le Terre dei Borghi Verdi
Le Terre dei Borghi Verdi
Welcome in Southern Umbria,
where the slowness becomes value
Information, appointments and travel proposals on:
The Progressive Web App is part of the project “Le Terre dei Borghi Verdi”, realized in collaboration and with the contribution of Regione Umbria – Assessorato al Turismo
©2021 Le Terre dei Borghi Verdi